Report 2 Hana

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Revision as of 07:40, 6 August 2024 by HamonBeat (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Case |title=Hana |image= |story=Placebo |date=June 30, 1999<br>July 1, 1999<br>July 2, 1999<br>July 3, 1999<br>July 4, 1999<br>July 5, 1999 |location=Typhoon<br>Jackhammer<br>Apricot Square<br>Precinct 24<br>Yukimura Residence |endcard=True Faith |moon=Yellow }}'''Report*2:HANA''' is the second Placebo report, and overall the fifth chapter of The Silver Case. The chapter showcases Tokio Morishima's perspective during the events of {{CL|2...")
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Report*2:HANA is the second Placebo report, and overall the fifth chapter of The Silver Case. The chapter showcases Tokio Morishima's perspective during the events of case#2:spectrum.


This chapter follows Tokio's investigation of the suicide of Kenichi Hiruma, a fellow resident of the Typhoon Apartment Building. It details his reunion with Erika Yukawa, and his reason for quitting his previous occupation. Tokio confronts his feelings toward Akira and learns more about himself.


Wednesday, June 30, 1999, 10:04AM
Tokio wakes up to his doorbell ringing, which he ignores. He writes that he bought a block of rosewood to start whittling a wooden paper knife, as suggested by the Bartender.

Tokio arrives at Bar Jackhammer and tells the Bartender that he started whittling, and says that doing it makes time fly by. The Bartender says it's because it's a primitive thing. He says that unlike women, whittling becomes easier to understand the more you do it. Tokio guesses that the Bartender isn't very popular with women, which he confirms.

Thursdau, July 1, 1999, 10:56AM
Tokio is awoken by his doorbell again, and checks his computer. He reads an email from S. Inohana, asking to send reports on Kamui's past and the movement of the Heinous Crimes Unit. He warns that if he doesn't submit regular reports that he will be violating their contract. Tokio replies, simply stating that he's still investigating. Tokio sees Akira outside, and questions both why he is there, and how he knows his name. He writes that the HC Unit is investigating the suicide of one of his neighbors at Typhoon, apparently happening while he was at the bar. He wonders if he can get any more info from Tetsugoro Kusabi.

Tokio visits Kusabi and Sumio Kodai during their stakeout of the Yukimura Residence. Kusabi refuses to divulge any information but keeps talking to Tokio out of boredom. He tells Tokio that he doesn't know anything about the HC Unit's investigation at Typhoon. Kusabi asks Tokio to lend him 50,000 yen, which Tokio says he will do in exchange for information.

Tokio writes that he saw Akira watching an elementary school-age kid. He learned from a woman in the building that the kid is Koichi Sugita, who was friends with Hikaru Kobayashi, a boy who recently died of a heart attack. He wonders if he should get further involved, and decides that information on the HC Unit could be used to satisfy Inohana.

Tokio writes that his paper knife is almost finished, and that his carving knife is getting dull. He realizes that he needs to learn to sharpen a knife too, and that starting something new can branch off into other unexpected things.

Friday, July 2, 1999, 10:56AM Tokio wakes up, noting that his doorbell didn't go off today. He calls Kusabi, who tells him not to worry about the money thing anymore. Tokio asks about Akira's involvement with Koichi, which Kusabi says he has nothing to do with. Tokio wonders if the suicide was really a murder, and Kusabi tells him that the "truth" of the suicide has already been worked out. After the call, he wonders if he pissed Kusabi off. Tokio writes that he's going to look into the matter further, and decides to learn more about Koichi and Hikaru.

Tokio writes that Hikaru lived in Room 403, and was born with a weak heart. He died on June 22nd of a heart attack, and is thought to have been playing at the time. The assumed suicide is Kenichi Hiruma, a man living in 301. He was 24 and worked as the advertisement artist. Koichi lives in Room 402. Tokio tells Red that he should probably try talking to Koichi.

Tokio writes that he met with Koichi, but he ran away once he heard he was with the media. He wonders to himself why he cares so much about Akira, and believes that the impact of the situation at Babylon and Akira have become intertwined, giving him an irrational fear of him. He decides to wait at the apartment to see Koichi again.

Tokio waits outside Typhoon, and thinks about how he doesn't really know anything about the people that live next to him. He meets Koichi again, who leaves when he asks him about Hikaru.

Tokio writes an email to Erika Yukawa, asking for help with the suicide case. He asks if she can speak to Koichi for him, since he's bad with kids.

At Jackhammer, Tokio tells the Bartender that he finished the paper knife. He says he started his second piece, which will be a wooden turtle figurine. He shows the Bartender a picture of Red, which he finds disturbing. Tokio is disillusioned by this and goes home.

Saturday, July 3, 1999, 10:32AM
Tokio wakes up to a knock at his door, and is shocked to find Akira standing outside. He tells him to leave and not come back. He wonders why Akira has such little reaction to what he says. He reads an email from Erika, saying that she agrees to help him.

Tokio watches from his window while Erika meets Koichi at the Apricot Square park. He drafts an email to Erika, lamenting how much time has passed since he saw her, and that from far away she and Koichi look like a mother and child. He promptly deletes the email. He writes to himself that when he turned 30, he realized it was better to not know some things. During this he was a crime reporter whose job it was to know things, which made him realize he was unhappy. This was the reason he quit, with Erika just acting as the trigger. After he quit, he couldn't think of what to do for work besides reporting. He says that his wooden turtle is coming along nicely, and that he found something else he was good at.

At Jackhammer, Tokio asks the Bartender for advice on how to sharpen a knife. He says that he wishes he had some merit, like the knife, and compares himself to a blunt knife that can't cut anything.

Tokio reads an email from Erika, saying that she met with Koichi at the park. She managed to gain his trust and is meeting with him again tomorrow to ask about Akira. Tokio says that it's coming along well.

Sunday, July 4, 1999, 1:58PM
Tokio wakes up after oversleeping. He reads that Erika met Koichi again at the park, and found him crying. He told her about Hikaru, and seemingly can't accept his friend's death. He says Akira is helping him with Hikaru. Erika learns about Koichi's "secret base" which was his special place with Hikaru. She feels guilty for pretending to be his friend, and decides to check on him again. Tokio drafts an email to her to find out what Koichi knows about the suicide, and questions her attitude in the situation. He deletes the email and writes a new one, saying he understands the situation. Tokio tells Red that Erika has forgotten the basics of reporting, and is empathizing too much with Koichi.

Tokio meets Erika at Apricot Square. She tells him that Koichi is pure, but is hurting after what happened with Hikaru. Tokio says that kids aren't as pure as she thinks, and that they really just reflect the adults around them, meaning that the purity and pain she saw in Koichi was just her own. Erika says that he's being cynical and doesn't understand kids' feelings at all. He says that the purity of children isn't such a good thing, which makes her leave.

At Jackhammer, Tokio says that everyone hates him, and wonders what is wrong with him. He says that the only people that tolerate him are the Bartender and Red.

Monday, July 5, 1999, 12:26PM
Tokio reads that Erika met with Koichi again, who agreed to show her his secret base tomorrow. Tokio tells Red that Erika is too attached to Koichi, and wonders what Akira's relationship with him is.

Outside Precinct 24, Tokio asks Kusabi what's up with Akira. He tells him that he was a member of Republic, whose comrades were killed by Ayame Shimohira before he was scouted for the HC Unit. He tells Tokio that Akira must've attached himself to Koichi because he was interesting.

Koichi reads an email from Erika saying that she waited at the agreed place, but Koichi never came. She went to speak with his teacher and mom. According to his teacher, Koichi is a normal kid who isn't very good at his studies. Hikaru was worse at school and was bullied, so Koichi became close and stood up for him. Koichi's mom works as a hostess, and divorced early in Koichi's life. Tokio replies that he understands a lot more now, and that she doesn't need to approach Koichi anymore. Tokio writes to himself that the truth and facts don't matter, and that he just has to push through until it works itself out. He realizes that he projected his fear from the death of Kei Nanami at Babylon onto Akira due to his proximity to him at the time. Tokio writes an email to a hacker known as Slash, asking about his encounter with The Bat. He asks them to find out any information on them.

Tuesday, July 6, 1999, 2:26PM
Tokio gets a call from Erika, saying that she waited for Koichi again, who showed up and handed her a letter without saying anything. She says that she put the letter in his mailbox and to take a look at it. Tokio comes back with the letter, and finds that Erika has hung up. In the letter, Koichi says that he remembers Hikaru's death, and confesses to killing Hiruma. He thanks Erika for playing with him, and says that he hung out with her since she looked lonely and reminded him of Hikaru. Tokio writes that while he acknowledges Koichi's purity, he can't accept that what he did couldn't have been helped. He says that Koichi's purity was the trigger for his killing of Hiruma, and that it came from the same pure place as his feelings for Hikaru. He reads an email from Inohana, asking for more information. Tokio asks Red about when he was a kid, but finds that he's sleeping.

True Faith
The Silver Case
Transmitter case#0:lunatics · case#1:decoyman · case#2:spectrum · case#3:parade · case#4:kamuidrome · case#5:lifecut · case#!:danwa · case#25:whiteout prologue
Placebo report*1:YUME · report*2:HANA · report*3:TSUKI · report*4:AI · report*5:HIKARI · report*6:YAMI
Extra material Pre-Lunatics · placebo prequel · case#4.5:face