Report 3 Tsuki

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Report*3:TSUKI is the third Placebo report of The Silver Case. The chapter follows Tokio Morishima's perspective during the events of case#3:parade.


TSUKI follows Tokio's investigation into a series of riddles that he believes were sent to him by The Bat. Tokio and Erika Yukawa grow closer during their investigation, and eventually come to unravel the truth behind the events at Mikumo 77. Unlike any of the other chapters in the game, TSUKI is uniquely split into two parts around the halfway point, separated by a 12-day time-skip.


Wednesday, July 7, 1999, 9:08AM
Tokio is awoken by the sound of construction outside. He reads an email from Slash, providing the mail address of The Bat, "[email protected]". Tokio asks Red if he wants to grow big and attack the construction workers outside. He decides to take Red with him on a drive. In his car, Tokio writes that Red is something of a coward, and gets sensitive whenever anything disturbs him. He wonders if The Bat has anything to do with Kamui Uehara, and decides to contact him.

Tokio emails The Bat, telling him to contact him to talk about Kamui. Outside, the construction starts again.

Thursday, July 8, 1999, 9:05AM
Tokio wakes up again to the sound of construction. He reads an email from The Bat, sending him four riddles. Tokio gets in his car to escape the noise, and decides to play along with The Bat's game. He tries working through the first riddle, but makes no progress.

Tokio goes to the smoke shop Mulholland to buy cigarettes. The old lady hands him a pack Placebo brand cigarettes. She says that her late husband used to smoke them, and is probably still smoking them in Heaven. Tokio decides to head home.

Back home, Tokio thinks to himself that Erika would be better at solving the riddles than he is. He emails her, asking for her help and forwarding the riddles. Next he emails S. Inohana, asking if anyone known as "The Bat" was ever involved in the Kamui case. Tired of the noise over the past couple days, he goes to sleep.

Erika emails Tokio, asking who The Bat is, and telling him to search for keywords to solve the riddle. Inohana tells him he hasn't heard of The Bat, but to find out who he is.

At Jackhammer, Tokio wonders aloud about the riddle. The Bartender recognizes the riddle from Mother Goose, and tells him that the answer is "the blind man".

Back home, Tokio emails the answer of the first riddle to The Bat, and asks what happens when he solves them all.

Friday, July 9, 1999, 9:05AM
Tokio wakes up to the noise again, and reads an email from The Bat, saying that when he figures them all out, he'll tell him a fairy tale, and then tell him who he is. He emails Erika, telling him that The Bat was the one who interrupted their chat in Scolba. He tells her the riddles are related to Mother Goose, and that they should be solvable.

At Apricot Square, Tokio meets up with Erika, who brought a Mother Goose book. They cross-referenced the riddles with the tales from the book, and figured out all of the answers; "The blind man", "Needle and thread", "Hell", and "Parents". Erika wonders what the meaning of the answers is, and if The Bat is really worth chasing after. Tokio tells her that he believes The Bat is connected to Kamui. Back home, he writes that he's letting The Bat get to him and that he is starting to fear him like the way he fears Kamui. He sends the four answers to The Bat and asks who he is.

Tokio smokes in his room, remarking that the construction outside is finally over.

Saturday, July 10, 1999, 9:09AM
Tokio receives an email from The Bat, telling him a fairy tale about three boys and a princess. In it, the clouds are dirtied black, and the village died out. Then, a night-mare eating chimera disappears along with the wind. He reads an email from Erika telling him to call her as soon as he reads it. Inohana tells him to report with information about The Bat. He tells Inohana that there's nothing yet to report. He calls Erika, who tells him that she believes the poems themselves have more meaning beyond just the answers. He agrees to meet with Erika again and show her the new mail from The Bat.

Tokio meets Erika again and shows her the new mail from The Bat. She notes that the mail is dated August 2, 1979, which is twenty years ago. Erika eventually finds a connection between the riddle and the events at Mikumo 77, where the village disappeared due to the pollution from the nearby factory, along with the death of a local girl. Erika reminisces about how they used to work together like this all the time, and leaves the start investigating.

Tokio writes that he looked into the history of Mikumo, which is now managed by the government following the incident. He wonders how The Bat could be connected to this. Over the phone, Erika tells Tokio that she found an old man from Mikumo who may be able to help them, and that she's planning on seeing him tomorrow. Tokio tells Red that he has a bad feeling.

Sunday, July 11, 1999, 2:26PM
Tokio wakes up and reads his daily email, which tells says that if he's careful he won't make mistakes. He decides to ask The Bat about Mikumo directly.

Tokio reads an email from Erika detailing her meeting with the old man. She learned that the pollution was caused by the Yukimura Zaibatsu, and the old man told her another fairy tale about a girl who was sacrificed by a mob and a group of boys who tried to protect her. She believes one of The Bat's previous riddles was alluding to the violent mob. Tokio reads a news update, reporting that the Yukimura Residence was destroyed in an explosion.

At Precinct 24, Tokio asks Tetsugoro Kusabi about what happened at the mansion. Kusabi refuses to give out any information, and is called away.

Friday, July 23, 1999, 11:17AM
Twelve days later, Tokio reads an email from Erika, saying that she heard a rumor that something happened to Chairman Yukimura after the explosion. She asks if Tokio learned anything from visiting Mikumo or if he heard from The Bat. Tokio writes to himself that he visited Mikumo, which was untouched for the last 20 years. He says he should report with the information he has.

Tokio writes that he visited the Heinous Crimes Unit and tried to speak to Kiyoshi Morikawa about passing information on to Kusabi, but he wasn't taken seriously. He writes that the pollution in Mikumo had a narcotic effect that drove the protesters mad, leading to the death of the girl. He wonders what the group boys is doing now, and believes they were behind the explosion.

Saturday, July 24, 1999, 11:30AM
Tokio reads an email from Inohana, demanding more information about The Bat in the next 48 hours. He opens another email, which turns out to be the "FESTA" computer virus, which corrupts his PC. He says that it isn't an issue since his data is backed-up to his laptop. He gets a call from Kusabi, who tells him that Yukimura is fine and that they're looking for the bomber. Tokio tells him that two others from Mikumo are connected to the case. After the call, Tokio wonders what to do next, and remembers the old man.

In his car, Tokio says he can't rely on the HC Unit or wait on The Bat anymore, and has to talk to the survivor himself.

Tokio speaks to the old man at his apartment about Mikumo. He tells him that one of the boys was named Fuyuki, and another was named "Kiseki". When the mob caught the girl and the boys, one had his eyes gouged out and sewn shut, another had his mouth filled with oil and sewn shut, and the last had his eardrums pierced with a stick. In his car, Tokio writes that since The Bat can write emails, he must be either deaf or mute. He decides to go home and restore his PC.

Sunday, July 25, 1999, 1:12PM
Tokio reads an email from Inohana, saying that it's his last warning and if he doesn't reply his contract will be terminated. Tokio replies that The Bat must be a Kamui believer, but that other than that he has no info. He asks if Inohana has anything that might help his investigation. Tokio writes to himself that he can't tell Inohana about The Bat contacting him during his chat, since he can't explain chatting with Erika. He wonders what the reason behind the girl at Mikumo's sacrifice was.

At Jackhammer, The Bartender asks Tokio about the trip he won from solving the riddles. The two share a drink.

Monday, July 26, 1999, 2:08PM
Tokio reads a news update saying the two suspects in the bombing have committed suicide. Erika writes to him that bombers had kidnapped Yukimura. One of the perpetrators was Hiseki, who was blind, and Fuyuki, who was mute. She wonders why they returned Yukimura unharmed. He reads an automated email from The Bat, who reveals that he is actually Hiseki, and was never The Bat at all. When he received the email from Tokio he decided to play along, and gave him information about Mikumo to expose the truth. Tokio wonders how Hiseki was able to write despite being blind.

At Mulholland, Tokio buys his usual carton of cigarettes. He asks the old woman if she has good eyesight, and she says that she has to turn the volume on the TV up to watch it properly. The mention of sound gives Tokio an idea.

Tokio writes that he learned that blind internet users aren't that rare. With voice input and text-to-speech technology they're able to use it like any other person. He tells Erika that The Bat was Hiseki and forwards his last email. He says that the bomber's deaths were part of their plan.

Tuesday, July 27, 1999, 10:48AM
Tokio reads an email from Erika, saying that something happened to the old Mikumo survivor and that he might take a turn for the worse soon. She asks Tokio to go talk to him for her.

Tokio drives to the old man's apartment.

Tokio meets the old man, who mistakes him for Fuyuki. Tokio says that he is just a friend of Fuyuki's. The old man tells him that the girl from Mikumo was named Riru Yukimura, and was a relative of the Yukimura family which built the factories. The old man alludes to a third boy who was the leader of the group, and dies.

Sunday, August 1, 1999, 12:58PM
Five days later, Tokio talks to Red, wondering what he should do next. He gets a call from Erika, who says the press embargo will be lifted sometime soon. Tokio asks her on a date to go fishing, and she hangs up. Tokio reads a news update, saying that Chairman Yukimura killed himself along with his board of directors in an explosion at Snow Tower.

Tokio meets Sumio Kodai at the Harakiri Batting Center, and asks to tell him a fairy tale.

Monday, August 2, 1999, 3:28PM
Tokio reads a news update about the destruction of Mikumo by a giant explosion. Tokio writes that Sumio answered all of his questions after being shown the emails from Hiseki. The three "Mikumo Boys" were Sumio, Fuyuki, and Hiseki, with Sumio being the leader. Riru was a member of a branch family of the Yukimura Group, and became an idol to the boys. Some time later the pollution in Mikumo came to light, leading to weekly protests referred to as the "parade". The increasingly violent mob eventually attacked the Yukimura house, believing Riru to be a witch. She was abandoned by her fleeing parents as a sacrifice. The Mikumo Boys managed to save her and brought her to the mountains to escape, but they were caught and Riru was taken away. Riru was killed by the mob, and the three boys were punished for helping her. Sumio's ears were stabbed out, Hiseki's eyes were sewn shut, and Fuyuki's mouth was sewn shut.

For the next 20 years, the Mikumo Boys planned their revenge. Sumio learned to read lips, and joined the Heinous Crimes Unit by faking his physical tests and bribing the examiners. He used special radio and cellphones created by Hiseki to convert audio input into Braille to maintain his ruse. Hiseki destroyed the Yukimura mansion, and then killed himself to avoid being traced, after having already planted the bomb at Snow Tower. Fuyuki kept the Chairman locked up, and Sumio convinced him to join their plan and destroy the Zaibatsu himself. Everything went as planned, leading to the complete destruction of the Yukimura Group. The Mikumo Boys' final target was the town of Mikumo itself. Tokio wonders if Sumio plans to die or to atone for his sins by living.

Tokio emails Erika, telling her that he worked out the final riddle. He writes that August 2nd was the day Riru died, making this the 20th anniversary. He learned from Sumio that the date on the email was the code he told Yukimura to blow up Snow Tower. He explains the riddle to Erika, with the "nightmare eating chimera" being the final explosion wiping Mikumo from existence.

The Silver Case
Transmitter case#0:lunatics · case#1:decoyman · case#2:spectrum · case#3:parade · case#4:kamuidrome · case#5:lifecut · case#!:danwa · case#25:whiteout prologue
Placebo report*1:YUME · report*2:HANA · report*3:TSUKI · report*4:AI · report*5:HIKARI · report*6:YAMI
Extra material Pre-Lunatics · placebo prequel · case#4.5:face