Edo Macalister

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Edo Macalister is a character who appears in Flower, Sun, and Rain and killer7, as well as the manga Kurayami Dance. He is the manager of the Flower, Sun, and Rain hotel and is responsible for drafting searcher Sumio Mondo to Lospass Island, in order to deter a potential terrorist attack at the airport. Macalister is the author of The Lospass, a tourist's guide to Lospass Island.

Appearance and Personality

Edo is a cheerful man with short blonde hair. He always wears a white and blue hotel staff uniform. Edo is normally extremely cordial, as is expected with his role as a hotel manager. He goes out of his way to help his guests, and claims to never forget any of them. However he is shown to become frustrated, such as with Mondo's constant detours from the job he was hired for. He secretly works for the organization Elbow, but his true intentions are unknown. It seems that he wants to betray the organization and destroy the island out of a sense of guilt.



Edo Macalister was a high level administrator for Elbow, stationed on Lospass Island under the guise of a hotel manager at the Flower, Sun, and Rain. He decided to betray the organization and destroy the island by placing a bomb at the airport. Edo hired Sumio Mondo as a decoy to ensure his plan was a success. He wrote the Lospass Guidebook as insurance, which would guide Mondo through the island should be be distracted solving the problems of others.

Flower, Sun, and Rain

Edo first appears in Request 00: Welcome to the "Flower, Sun,and Rain", greeting Mondo on his arrival to the hotel. He gave him the Lospass Guidebook and showed him to his room, then briefed Mondo that time on the island was repeating, and that a terrorist was placing a bomb on the plane. In reality, Sundance Shot was moving Edo's bomb to the plane to prevent the island's destruction. He told Mondo to head to the airport the next day.

Each morning, Edo calls Mondo on his room's phone to tell him that breakfast is ready and to come downstairs. Edo normally plays a minor role in each Request, informing Mondo about the guests and helping him progress. However, the constant interruptions to Mondo's mission each day gradually frustrate Edo as time continues to reset each day after the explosion. In Request 05: The Entertainer, Mondo finally reaches the lobby, and Edo informs him that he'll have to walk to the airport due to the island's environmental laws outlawing most cars. Edo asks Mondo to help Sonny and Tubbs Balboa, who he is a fan of. In the end Edo gets an autograph from the duo, which he later displays on the front door. In Request 06: Air in G, Mondo is blocked by Stephan Charbonie outside and is forced to play his game after he poisons Yayoi Hanayama. After finding her unconscious, Mondo told Edo to call an ambulance for Yayoi. Mondo eventually discovers that Yayoi wasn't poisoned, and it was just a test for Mondo. Stephan points out that Edo never actually called the ambulance, and says not to trust him, and that he's the one pulling the strings.

In Request 11: Clair de Lune, Mondo doesn't wake up until night, leaving Edo extremely frustrated when spoken to at the front desk. That night, Mondo is killed by Sundance Shot, and in Request 12: I Got Rhythm, Edo contacts the federal investigators Yoshimitsu Koshimizu and Remy Fawzil to investigate. He meets them near Mondo's body behind the hotel, telling them that there were no witnesses and that nobody heard any gunfire. Edo informed Koshimizu that Mondo's briefcase Catherine was missing, leading him to pursue Step Sding. In Request 14: Träumerei, Edo greeted the newly revived Mondo, and explains to him that he had died and that the island is trapped in a loop. That day he also assisted Mondo with helping Gunji Takaoka and Natsuko Akai.

In Request 15: L'Après-Midi d'un Faune, Mondo confronts Edo about how specific the guidebook is. Edo admits to writing it to keep Mondo on track. He tells Mondo that he is the terrorist who planted the bomb, and that there is no one called Edo. Just before he can reveal his identity, he falls unconscious. Sue Sding arrives and assumes the position of hotel manager, and tells Mondo that she'll take care of things. Shortly after this, Sue says that Edo disappeared.

Edo appears one more time in Request 18: An American in Paris, standing behind the front desk with Sue and Stuart Rock. He explains the truth to Mondo, that he planted the bomb in the airport to destroy the island and Elbow's manufacturing plant. He tells Mondo to head to Mati Sding's diner, where he'll find his car Giggs. He also reveals that Sue and Step are engaged to be married. Before he leaves, he tells Mondo that "the sun and rain keep flowers alive".

After the end of the game, it is said that after obtaining the "Next Maspro", Elbow ceased all operations. At the same time, Edo disappeared.


Official profiles

Civil and courteous in all matters of work.
Tends to snap.
Occupation: Hotel Manager
Place of Birth: Lospass Island
The hotel manager of the "Flower, Sun, and Rain," Edo is very dedicated to his work and provides his patrons with exemplary customer service. A person who holds many of the story's most important clues in his hands, he can be found performing actions such as commissioning work from Sumio.


  • His last name is shared by both researcher Graham MacAlister and baseball player Nigel McAllister from Hand in killer7 and Diabolical Pitch, respectively.
  • The name Edo Macalister would more naturally be spelled Ed McAllister in English. The unusual romanization seems to be a stylistic choice, possibly to create a more mysterious-sounding name. This is referenced in-game; when he first hears Edo's name, Sumio asks, "You mean Ed?".
  • There is a unit at Grasshopper consisting of Takuma Araki and Yusuke Isao who are credited under the name "Edo Macalister" in the credits of The Silver Case's PS4 version and The 25th Ward.


Flower, Sun, and Rain characters
Main Characters Sumio Mondo · Catherine · Toriko Kusabi · Christina · Remy Fawzil · Yoshimitsu Koshimizu · Sundance Shot
Hotel Staff Edo Macalister · Sue Sding · Mati Sding · Stuart Rock
Hotel Guests Sister Phantom · Yayoi Hanayama · El Crasher · Mr. Pirate · Maria Nicharesuk · Stephan Charbonie · Sonny Balboa · Tubbs Balboa · Seiji Fujieda · Yuuri Otowaya · Shoutaro Kai · Daizaburo Kai · Gunji Takaoka · Natsuko Akai · Tokio Morishima
Others Ken Sakurabi · Step Sding · Sundance Ritz · Hana Kaburagi · Tetsugoro Kusabi · Sundance MIC · Forest Navigators · Fantasistas
Mentioned Dragon · Lumberjack Flowerstar · Alberto Ferrente · David Chapman · Igor Ishizakaski · Sayaka Baian · Kamui Uehara · Red · Sumio Kodai
killer7 characters
The killer7 Harman Smith · Garcian Smith · Dan Smith · KAEDE Smith · Kevin Smith · Coyote Smith · Con Smith · MASK de Smith
The Smith Syndicate Samantha Sitbon · Christopher Mills · Iwazaru · Kikazaru · Mizaru · Travis Bell · Kess BloodySunday · Yoon-Hyun · Susie Sumner · Mad Doctor · Gary Wanderers
Heaven Smile Kun Lan · Heaven Smile · Gate Keeper · Kenjiro Matsuoka
Angel Angel · Red Gunners
Sunset Toru Fukushima · Young Guys ×3 · Jean DePaul · Julia Kisugi · Spencer · Hiroyasu Kurahashi · Shinya Akiba · Hiro Kasai
Cloudman Andrei Ulmeyda · Stacy Spangles · Cult Member · Old Man · Man in Photograph · Drug Store Employee · Postman · Security Guard · Gabriel Clemence · General Lynch
Encounter Curtis Blackburn · Curtis's Bitch · AYAME Blackburn · Pedro Montana · Mary Montana · Archangel
Alter Ego The Handsome Men · Steve Thunderson · Trevor Pearlharbor · Singer · Mithra · LOVE Wilcox
Smile Linda Vermillion · Edo Macalister · Dimitri Nightmare · Holbert · Emir Parkreiner · Benjamin Keane · Greg Nightmare
Lion Last Shot Smile
And... Johnny Gagnon · Pigeons
Hand in killer7 Jaco Checkbox · Graham MacAlister · Jack Foley · Kun Lan's scientists
killer is dead Shigeki Birkin · Samayoru · Mario Castiglione · Claudia Decker