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KAEDE Smith (楓・墨州, KAEDE Sumisu) is a playable character in the game killer7, being one of the personas of the Smith Syndicate.

Appearance and Personality

KAEDE appears as a young woman in nothing but a white dress with large bloodstains on the front. Even when she is wearing black, these stains remain. KAEDE is barefoot at all times, no matter the terrain she treads across, earning her the nickname "Barefoot". KAEDE is the most cautious member of the syndicate, evidence by her attempt to flee from Emir Parkreiner in panic rather than attempt to fight back. This is also evident by her use of a ranged weapon. She is also notably the only woman apart of the syndicate.


KAEDE uses a customized AMT Hardballer equipped with a pistol scope as well as 10-round magazine. This allows her to snipe Heaven Smile from afar, before they can get close. She has a notably lengthy reload time, taking even longer if she used the scope, as she is shown to fumble the magazine.
KAEDE's most notable ability is her Blood Shower ability, which allows her to cut her own wrists to shower blood across barriers or passageways in order to destroy them. She also holds the ability to absorb blood into her wrists, such as when she removes unnecessary letters from a secret message written on a wall in blood. Her Blood Shower ability is always accompanied by Mizaru, whom seems to do it for her.


KAEDE Smith was born in Portland, Oregon and grew up with an unnamed brother. During her first life, her brother joined the Liberal Party, eventually killing her by orders given by Kenjiro Matsuoka. She was later resurrected by Harman Smith and assimilated into the Smith Syndicate, serving the group with her long ranged combat abilities.
She is eventually killed when Emir murders the Smith Syndicate at the Union hotel. When confronted by the boy, she attempts to flee from him in a fit of panic. She tries to escape Emir by hiding in the wardrobe of her closet, only to have Emir hone in on her and shoot at her several times in the chest and stomach. She is then assimilated along with the rest of the seven into Emir, becoming a new incarnation of the Killer7. In her new incarnation, she gains the ability to destroy barriers, similar to how Emir was able to sense her behind one before he killed her.

Official profiles


She walks in a storm of blood.

(1) KAEDE Smith was born in Portland, Oregon.
Of Japanese origin, she is twenty years old.

(2) Her nickname is "Barefoot."

(3) She cuts her wrist to send out her "Bloody Shower."

(4) Mizaru serves her.

(5) Her weapon is an automatic pistol, with a scope attached.
She reloads slowly.

(6) She is a formidable fighter with kicks.

(7) Her brother is a member of the Liberal Party.

(8) She was killed by her own brother, who received his orders
from Matsuken.

(9) Her body was recovered by Garcian.

(10) Her room in the Union Hotel was #404.

(Hand in killer7)


  • KAEDE's custom Hardballer is a featured weapon available in Resident Evil 4, under the name "Killer7"
  • Along with MASK de Smith and LOVE Wilcox, KAEDES name was not written in katakana, the Japanese phonetic script for foreign words and sounds, resulting in her given name being written in all caps in the English release.

killer7 characters
The killer7 Harman Smith · Garcian Smith · Dan Smith · KAEDE Smith · Kevin Smith · Coyote Smith · Con Smith · MASK de Smith
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Heaven Smile Kun Lan · Heaven Smile · Gate Keeper · Kenjiro Matsuoka
Angel Angel · Red Gunners
Sunset Toru Fukushima · Young Guys ×3 · Jean DePaul · Julia Kisugi · Spencer · Hiroyasu Kurahashi · Shinya Akiba · Hiro Kasai
Cloudman Andrei Ulmeyda · Stacy Spangles · Cult Member · Old Man · Man in Photograph · Drug Store Employee · Postman · Security Guard · Gabriel Clemence · General Lynch
Encounter Curtis Blackburn · Curtis's Bitch · AYAME Blackburn · Pedro Montana · Mary Montana · Archangel
Alter Ego The Handsome Men · Steve Thunderson · Trevor Pearlharbor · Singer · Mithra · LOVE Wilcox
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Lion Last Shot Smile
And... Johnny Gagnon · Pigeons
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