Case 5 Lifecut

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case#5:lifecut is the sixth case of the Transmitter story of The Silver Case and the tenth chapter of the game as a whole. This chapter acts as the climax of the game's main story, and unravels the truth behind Kamui Uehara and the Silver Case.


As mentioned above, lifecut serves as the climax of the Transmitter story of the game. It details the return of Kamui, and the ensuing chaos that tears apart the Heinous Crimes Unit. It reveals the truth of Kamui's origins, and the events of the titular Silver Case that took place 20 years prior.


The chapter opens with narration from Tokio Morishima. Late in the year 1999, the impact of Method Tank was already forgotten. Kamui Uehara escapes from captivity and murders seven important government officials, as if to punish the Method Tank rebellion.

A news broadcast is shown covering the reappearance of Kamui, and the cult of believers that formed around him. Street interviews are shown with people expressing their opinions on Kamui, with many agreeing with his cause. An interview is shown with an anonymous official who knew many of the victims, who expresses his outrage at Kamui's actions. Another interview is shown with a man who claims to have met Kamui. He says that Kamui represents an ideal for humanity to surpass to achieve perfection. Footage is shown of "Kamui Point" the location where Kamui was supposedly raised. The report notes that Kamui continues to grow as a social phenomenon, and questions if he is simply a criminal or the personification of the end of the millennium.

Monday, November 29, 1999, 5:48PM
Ryu Munakata briefs Tetsugoro Kusabi about the emergence of the TRUMP following Kamui's return. Kusabi dismisses the idea of Kamui being mythological, saying he is a simple criminal. He blames people like Munakata for getting the public worked up by romanticizing Kamui. Munakata tells Kusabi about the roles of the TRO and CCO, and that they would never let this spill to the surface. Kusabi dismisses him and leaves. Munakata is approached by a man with a gun, telling him that he said too much. Munakata taunts the assassin and a gunshot is heard.

Tuesday, November 30, 1999, 8:38AM
Nakategawa announces the official dismissal of Sumio Kodai from Unit 2. The unit will also be disolved, and Kusabi will be transferred to Unit 1. Shinji Kotobuki has been promoted to Deputy Commissioner, making Nakategawa the new Chief Director. The Central Police Department has initiated an intense crime eradication campaign which includes dealing with Kamui. Two new members are recruited to the Heinous Crimes Unit; Kenta Mikoshiba from Central's External Affairs Department, and Sakura Natsume from the Special Forces Office, daughter of Daigo Natsume. All agents are sent to the International Environment building as part of an operation to corner Kamui.

On the roof of the precinct, Kusabi and Kotobuki discuss his promotion. Kotobuki asks him to take care of Natsume's daughter, and reveals that he is still alive but unconscious, kept hidden by the department due to his knowledge of Kamui. He warns Kusabi to be careful, and that they're after Morikawa as well after his report was leaked. Kusabi tries to calm Kotobuki down, but he says that it is one of those things that "can't be helped", a phrase he previously told him never to say. He says that it's all the FSO's doing, and that he's leaving everything in Kusabi's hands. Kusabi understands and shoots him, telling him to rest.

At the IEDU Building, Akira and Sakura are ordered to ascend via the elevator to lead Kamui to the roof, where he will be killed by sharpshooters. Kusabi tells Akira that he's going to disappear, and warns him to watch his back. He warned Sakura to be suspicious of the "truth", and that the "truth" and "facts" are different. They later run into Morikawa, who tells them that Kusabi killed Kotobuki, and that he was told by the boss to eliminate him. He nearly discloses information about Kamui, but stops himself before leaving. They meet Chizuru Hachisuka soon after, and Sakura expresses apprehension over executing Kamui. Chizuru says that it isn't about destroying Kamui's body, but the crime virus that has been spread by Kamui through information. His broadcast execution will eliminate Kamui from the minds of the public. Chizuru tells Sakura that this is the role of the HC Unit, and questions if she is truly aware of her father's profession. She warns Akira not to get wrapped up in what's going on, and threatens to eliminate Sakura later. The duo then meet Mikoshiba, who is acting on orders from Naka to kill Kusabi. He tells them that Kamui didn't actually kill anyone, but that he doesn't understand what's going on. Later still they meet with Tokio, who Sakura tells to leave for his safety. He tells Akira that he figured out all of the secrets, and to read his email. Sakura and Akira finally corner Kamui on the roof, where he is executed by sniper fire.

Narration from Tokio goes over the events following Kamui's execution. Kamui's remains were quicky disposed of after the killing by a clean-up crew. After his death the media fell silent and no big changes were felt in society. Those who saw hope in Kamui also lost a piece of themselves, including Tokio. Kusabi, Morikawa, and Chizuru disappeared after the execution, while Akira continued his work.

Friday, December 24, 1999, 1:40PM
Akira reads an email from Tokio, saying that he's decided to entrust him with the future. He tells him about a man named Takeshi Kinjo, an expert in illegal investigation who works alongside the HC Unit. He tells him to speak with Kinjo, after which he will understand what to do next.

Akira arrives at the Kinjo Building, and meets Kinjo on the fourth floor. Kinjo asks if he remembers him, but imagines that he doesn't since they've never met. He tells Akira that Morikawa wants to meet him, but that he didn't ask him anything else. After introducing himself and his practice, Kinjo relays information about the nature of Ward 24's government. The city is controlled by three syndicates, and the 40-year development plan on Ward 24 was done to relocate key infrastructure to one location where it can be easily used to control the country. He tells Akira about the series of murders from 20 years ago, that came to be known as the Silver Case. The name "silver" came from the fact that the victims were all elderly. The TRO/CCO Alliance gave the murderer the name "Kamui", and they now make up a major portion of the police force, between Central and Public Security. Because of Kamui, the alliance's rival FSO was forced to dissolve. Kinjo says that Kamui kills on behalf of the syndicates as part of their warring politics. He says the FSO manufactured Kamui through the Shelter Kids Policy, and that the one that was executed is just a dummy with many replacements already prepared. Kinjo tells Akira that he leaves the rest to him and says goodbye.

At the batting cages, Kusabi meets with Munakata again, who is shown to be alive. While Kusabi wonders if he's returned to settle the score, Munakata assures him that he doesn't want him killed. He tells Kusabi that the FSO is using Kamui to disturb the feigned balance of power between the TRO and CCO, and take control of the next capitol in Ward 24. When Kusabi asks what they should do, Munakata says that they should just do as they please. Kusabi says that he knows who to wipe out.

Naka says that the operation was a success, but that they lost some of their own. He orders Mikoshiba and Sakura to eliminate Kusabi and Morikawa for abandoning the mission, with Chizuru already making preparations to do so. He introduces the members of the crime ring TRUMP, who emerged with Kamui's elimination. He orders Sakura to keep an eye on Akira, as he will likely be contacted by them. Sakura tells Mikoshiba that Naka is struggling with having to eliminate his friends.

Akira receives an email from Kinjo, apologizing for his lack of hospitality. He tells him to go to a smoke shop called Mulholland, and that he may meet an old lady there. He says to check out the vending machine with "Placebo" written on it.

Akira visits the smoke shop, finding a hidden door behind a vending machine. He travels down a long hallway before meeting Tokio, who tells him that there's a trap ahead and not to go any further. He says that Morikawa gave him a notebook, and that if he gets the chance he'll show it to him later. He tells Akira not to die and leaves. While traveling down the corridors, images flash of the characters and events of the previous cases. Akira finally reaches an underground railway platform, where he meets Morikawa. He says that during the redevelopment of the city 20 years ago, this location was made in top secret. He tells him to find the truth, and that if he comes to know the Silver Case, to read his notebook. As the train arrives in the station, Morikawa is shot and killed by Kusabi, who looks at Akira as he boards the train.

After a long ride, the train arrives at the Mass Production Center. Akira enters a lounge where he finds Chizuru, who has fully become the next Ayame Shimohira. She says that she has to eliminate whoever gets in the way, and asks where Kusabi is so that she can kill him. She is shot and killed by Sakura, who followed Akira since she was worried. Chizuru dies with tears streaming down her face.

At the batting center, Munakata meets with Nakategawa, who he says is part of the FSO. Naka threatens to dispose of him, and asks if he's TRO. Munakata tells him about the whereabouts of Kusabi and the others, who headed there based on information from Morikawa. Naka prepares to shoot him, saying he's the 21st person he's killed. Naka claims that Munakata is his enemy for his involvement in Ayame Maspro. He says that the three factions are only an illusion, and that he originally signed the draft for Ayame Maspro, codename "Elbow". He says that the TRO, CCO, and FSO are all part of one group, and that he himself is just another pawn. Munakata draws his gun and shoots Nakategawa dead. Mikoshiba appears, who is actually working for Munakata. He asks if what Naka said is true, which Munakata confirms. Mikoshiba asks for permission to go after the Silver Case and kill Kusabi, which causes Munakata to shoot him as well. Now all alone, Munakata says that he's leaving it all to Kusabi.

While travelling through the underground tunnels, Sakura tells Akira about the Shelter Kids Policy which took place at this location. She says that the children from the Shelters are selected for their potential for criminal tendencies, and often later placed into the Special Forces, with their memories erased. This is all done for the study of criminal power. She tells Akira that like Kamui, he is a manufactured human, and is actually a stock body for Kamui like the other Shelter Kids. She says that a female unit exists as well, the Ayame Maspro. The Ayame he knew previously was a sample of this group, and that there is a stock of 1,440 girls, which includes her three victims. She confirms that Chizuru was also an Ayame, and was the first subject of the experiment as a sacrifice from her father, Kaoru Hachisuka. Sakura says that she too, is an Ayame.

They arrive at the Shelter Plaza, a group of ten towers that housed the Shelter Kids. The male unit was raised there for four years, with the female unit occupying the four years after. She says that her father told her, "I will likely be killed by someone raised here". The top of the Shelter is a TV Tower, created by the ones in power as a symbol of control. She tells Akira to continue on alone, and calls him Kamui. Akira travels through the towers, finding notes relating to the raising of the children and bizarre "ocular silverization" experiments. He finds the dead bodies of the four TRUMP members, who have been shot. Finally, he finds Kusabi waiting for him. He says he finds it unnerving that people could become used to living in a place like this, but that it isn't that far fetched compared to Ward 24 itself. Kusabi says that he killed the TRUMP members, who were acting as a buffer before the next Kamui body was prepared. He wanted to be face-to-face with the next Kamui, who turns out to be Akira.

Kusabi and Akira ascend an elevator, and he tells him about the creation of the TV Tower by the elder members of the factions. 20 years ago, the event known as the Silver Case also took place here. He says that the perpetrator as the original form of Kamui, known as the Format Kamui, who snuck into the tower and killed all of the elder members. Kusabi says that he shot and killed Kamui, who put up no resistance. The tower was later shut down, and became run completely by computers. He tells Akira that there was one door in the facility that he was never able to open. At the top floor, Kusabi and Akira unseal the path forward and climb a set of stairs. They come upon a massive brain connected to a set of computers. Next to the mass of wires is an unmoving woman in a chair. In the center is a mysterious programmer, apparently the one in control of everything. Akira tells him that if he kills him, he will be freed of his curse by killing his past. Akira chooses to kill the programmer. In the forest outside, Kusabi says that it's finally over, and promises to come home soon.

Saturday, December 25, 1999, 6:28AM
At the batting cages, Munakata asks Kusabi what happened to Akira. Kusabi questions if there was ever really someone by that name. He says that Kamui lives on through Akira, and that he may have inherited Kamui so that the memories of his youth wouldn't be forgotten. Munakata tells him that there's such a thing as knowing too much. Kusabi is seen outside covered in blood, presumably from a duel with Munakata. Kusabi says that regardless of who someone is or their upbringing, they have the spirit of the light of possibility inside them. He tells Akira to kill the shadow in his spirit and seize the light.

World in Motion
The Silver Case
Transmitter case#0:lunatics · case#1:decoyman · case#2:spectrum · case#3:parade · case#4:kamuidrome · case#5:lifecut · case#!:danwa · case#25:whiteout prologue
Placebo report*1:YUME · report*2:HANA · report*3:TSUKI · report*4:AI · report*5:HIKARI · report*6:YAMI
Extra material Pre-Lunatics · placebo prequel · case#4.5:face