Million Gunman

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Million Gunman is a character in No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle. He is the ninth-ranked assassin in the United Assassins Association. He is the seventh boss battle in the game.

Personality and Appearance

Million Gunman wears a gray suit with a red shirt and black scarf that has lions on it. His left hand has golden rings on each of his fingers and his right hand, which he shoots his gun with, has a red and black glove that only covers his thumb and index finger. He wields a golden gun that resembles the Mauser C96, which fires money instead of bullets.



Very little is known about Million Gunman's past aside from his being the President of Santa Destroy Bank. He is also an assassin, and ranked ninth in the United Assassins Association.

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

Million Gunman first appears when Shinobu Jacobs meets him in the vault of Santa Destroy Bank, filling in for his ranked match with Travis Touchdown. He scoffed at his opponent being a young girl, and Shinobu told him that if he killed her, then he could fight Travis. During their battle, Million Gunman fled through doors around the vault while firing ricocheting shots at Shinobu from afar. Shinobu eventually closed the distance, and asked if he had any last words. He asked for her name, after which she dismembered him, leaving his severed head balanced on her katana. She tells his still-living head that her name is Shinobu Jacobs, before cutting his head to pieces, killing him.


  • The passageways that Million Gunman goes down have signs that say "president only" with an outline of Million Gunman above it, confirming his occupation.
  • When zoomed in on, it's revealed that Million Gunman's gun is shooting million dollar bills.


No More Heroes 2 characters
Main Characters Travis Touchdown · Jeane (cat) · Sylvia Christel · Henry Cooldown · Shinobu Jacobs · Jasper Batt Jr.
United Assassins Association Rankings Skelter Helter · Nathan Copeland · Charlie MacDonald's cheerleaders · Charlie MacDonald · Matt Helms · Cloe Walsh · Dr. Letz Shake · Million Gunman · New Destroyman · Ryuji · Margaret Moonlight · Vladimir Taktarov · Alice Twilight
Civilians Dr. Naomi · Georgy Bishop · Ryan Yamazaki · Mask de Uh
Other Kimmy Howell · Mimmy · Quintet · Miike · Talbot · Weller