3: Headhunter

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#3: Headhunter is a chapter of Badman Strikes Back.


While Shigeki Birkin (Badman) was in the hospital, a doctor working for Mario Castiglione had reconstructed his head and attached a face guard that would keep it in place. He learned that back in the batting cages, after being knocked out, a man named Greco had stopped the pitching machine before it could launch a fourth and possibly fatal ball. He also was told that he had serious brain damage from the event. But Birkin just wanted to see his daughter Charlotte again.

Charlotte came to visit Shigeki later and brought him his beer and wooden bat. Later, on the day before he was set to be discharged, Mosca visited as well, with Greco in tow. Mosca was acting nervous, but strangely apologized to Birkin, claiming to have been high at the time. Angered at Mosca's attempts to downplay the situation, Birkin got up and killed the terrified Mosca with one swing from his bat. Greco remarked on it, impressed.

Birkin weirdly didn't feel anything special for having killed someone for the first time, and Greco hired him as a professional assassin. Apparently a long-time contact of Mario's gang, Greco had approval from the boss to hire Birkin with a deal in which Birkin would not be punished for killing Mosca, but would give priority to jobs sponsored by the gang.