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Sylvia Christel is a character in the No More Heroes series. She is an agent of the United Assassins Association, overseeing the ranked matches that Travis Touchdown participates in.

Appearance and Personality

Sylvia is an attractive blonde woman, often seen wearing a series of revealing outfits. In No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle, her wardrobe is even further expanded, including different colored wigs. In No More Heroes III, Sylvia wears even more absurd outfits, usually matching the location or theme that she's appearing alongside, such as a super-hero or sky-diver.

Sylvia loves money, and accumulates wealth through a series of scams to fuel her extravagant lifestyle. She has a flirtatious personality, often used as a front to manipulate others. However she develops a genuine love for Travis Touchdown, and tries to protect him. She is also shown to have a darker side, ruthlessly upholding the rules of the UAA's ranking battles. Most times, Sylvia is a comedic character, often appearing in absurd or unexplained situations and breaking the fourth wall.



Sylvia Christel is said to be half-Japanese and half-Ukrainian, and born and raised in France, although the validity of this is unknown. In college, she got married to Henry Cooldown, but would frequently disappear due to Henry's income not being enough. She became a professional con artist, and used the ranking battles of the United Assassins Association to scam people for money.

No More Heroes

Sylvia meets Travis Touchdown at the Death Match Bar in Santa Destroy one night; she overhears his drunken rambling and offers to help him get even with his parents' killer, his half-sister Jeane. Travis agrees, and Sylvia has him assassinate the 11th ranked hitman Helter Skelter to place him in the rankings. Sylvia appears after Travis kills Rank 10, Death Metal, and informs him that if he refuses to continue, he will be a target for assassins ranked below him. He agrees to continue after Sylvia teases the promise of sex once he reaches Rank 1. A short time later, Sylvia briefs Travis on Rank 9, Dr. Peace. She informs Travis about the entrance fee, and tells him to take on assassination jobs from K-Entertainment.

Throughout the game, Sylvia informs Travis about his targets, and appears after each fight with Talbot and Weller to dispose of the body. She questions Travis's decision to spare Rank 8, Shinobu, but agrees to leave her alive. As the fights continue, Sylvia spends Travis's entry fees on extravagant shopping trips and vacations, to his chagrin. She appears after Rank 5, Letz Shake is killed by Henry, preventing Travis from fighting him. Sylvia accompanies Travis on a date to a show, where he fights Rank 4, Harvey Moiseiwitsch Volodarrskii. After the fight, the two share a kiss. Before the Rank 2 fight with Bad Girl, Sylvia sends Travis a letter by carrier pigeon, telling him not to look for her. After the fight, she does not appear. Travis would later learn from Sylvia's mother that Sylvia is a con artist, and that the battles are a scam, but is encouraged by her to go forward with the final fight. Before the final battle, Sylvia tells Travis over the phone that she can't meet him again, and mocked him for thinking they would have sex. She ended the by declaring her love for him. After Travis kills Jeane, she can be seen watching him from a distance.

Following the game's credits, Sylvia is seen with a young girl named Jeane, looking at a painting depicting the fight between Travis and Henry. She asks if she likes the painting, and calls her away. Afterwards, she ends the game by teasing the prospect of a sequel.

No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle

In No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle, it is revealed that Sylvia had put a stop to Travis and Henry's fight. Over the next three years, Sylvia didn't see Travis again, although it is implied that she fulfilled her promise and they had sex. At some point during this time, she also divorced Henry. Travis's actions in the previous game caused assassination to become trendy, and Sylvia used the UAA to continue organizing ranked fights.

She appeared after Travis defeated Rank 51, Skelter Helter, informing him of the new status quo and promising him sex once again. She later met Travis after he learned about the death of Georgy Bishop. He agreed to fight through the rankings if she found his killers. She reveals to him that the one behind it is the Rank 1 assassin, Jasper Batt Jr., who has taken control of Santa Destroy. Sylvia once again appeared throughout the game to introduce Travis to his targets, and after the fights to dispose of bodies. After Travis reached Rank 23, Sylvia organized a battle royale to narrow down the number of contenders. She simultaneously arranged for Shinobu to return from training in Asia to dispose of two of the top ten.

After defeating Rank 7, Ryuji, Travis attempted to spare him, but he was gunned down by Sylvia. She reminded him to not repeat his mistakes and that the fights are not a sport. Sylvia met Travis at the UAA office, reminding him about her stopping his fight with Henry, and telling him that she and Henry are divorced. Travis criticized her for treating assassins as tools. After Travis defeated Rank 3, Captain Vladimir, Sylvia arrived to dispose of him, but was dissuaded by Travis, who told her to let him rest in peace. After Travis kills Rank 2, Alice Twilight, he snaps at her for treating the battles as a game, and swore to tear down the UAA. She told him that fighting to become the best is human nature. A short time later, she appeared outside Travis's motel room, and the two had sex. During the battle with Jasper Batt Jr., Travis was led to believe Sylvia had been killed, but this was revealed to be a trick. Following the fight, Sylvia saved Travis from falling off the building by catching him on her motorcycle. She dropped him off outside the motel, and disappeared.

Some time later, Sylvia began working at the Heaven's Smile brothel, where Travis repeatedly met with her through a peeping room. Throughout the game, these meetings are shown, as she recounts each of Travis's fights. At the end of the game, Travis reveals himself to Sylvia, and she agrees to return to Santa Destroy with him.

Travis Strikes Again

In the years that followed, Sylvia and Travis got married and had twins, a daughter named Jeane and a son named Hunter. Travis eventually left the family to seclude himself in the Texas wilderness, while Sylvia and the twins stayed at the Townsend Manor to stay safe from Travis's attackers. Sylvia appeared again in #7: On the Eve of War in Travis Strikes Back, when Travis returned to Santa Destroy. Travis arrived at the manor to look for the final Death Ball, and was reunited with Jeane and Sylvia. Travis apologized for making them live on the run, but Sylvia reminded him that it was her who put him on that path. She told Travis that to find himself, he had to return aboveground. She accepted that they would be in danger, but reminded him that she and the kids aren't weak. She leaves by helicopter for an appointment, and tells him that he can get the Death Ball by defeating Death Metal Jr.. After the chapter, Sylvia says that she has a bad feeling, and that something is closing in.

No More Heroes III

By 2021, Sylvia began working as a secretary for Damon Riccitiello, and was present when FU arrived after his 20 years away from Earth. Sylvia was shown to be frightened by FU, and was shaken when he placed his arm around her. Sylvia used her position in the UAA to place the alien invaders into the rankings, allowing the situation to be better controlled. After Travis defeated Mr. Blackhole, she arrived with Talbot and Weller, who incinerated Mr. Blackhole's eggs. Sylvia informed him that he had become Rank 10 in the Galactic Superhero Ranking, and once again promised him sex if he reached the top. Travis tried to ask her about the kids, but she ignored him and sky-dived off of the ship.

Throughout the game, Sylvia fulfilled her role as Damon's secretary, and is present for most of FU's meetings with the other ranking members. Sylvia appeared at the board meeting with Damon's executives, and got the President on the line when FU demanded it. Travis called Sylvia after FU attacked, killing Badman and injuring Shinobu. She arranged for a test battle in order for Travis to qualify for the next ranking, and told him to head to Perfect World. Before each ranked match, Sylvia informed Travis about his next opponent over the phone. She continued appearing after each battle, but kept leaving before Travis could ask about the kids. Sylvia arrived at the motel to tell Travis about his fight with Vanishing Point, and thanked Buzariashvili Bishop for always looking after Travis. After the fight, Travis felt regret for killing Kimmy Love. She reminded him that the strong are the ones who survive, and that life isn't like a super-hero movie. After FU kills Sonic Juice and prepares to fight Travis, Sylvia arrived to stop the fight, telling FU that if he breaks the battle rules he'll be stripped of the #1 position. Later, Sylvia appeared after Travis defeated Henry outside of the motel, and asked him how fratricide felt. She told him that she'll consider listening to him after FU is defeated. Another body of Henry's is shown to be alive through the window to her motel room. Sylvia appeared again after the final battle with FU, when Damon killed him as he tried to flee on his spaceship. Sylvia says that her hunch was right, and that Damon intended to kill FU from the start.

Sylvia appeared alongside the others at Badman's funeral, which was interrupted by the arrival of King Jess Baptiste V, who was quickly dispatched by Hunter and Jeane, who arrived from the future. Sylvia and the twins told Travis that the battle wasn't over yet, and that his next opponent is Henry, who killed Travis in the future and teamed up with aliens to take over the world. Sylvia flew away as she announced the upcoming "family war".

The Outer Rim

A far future version of Sylvia appears in audio skits before "N.M.H. The Outer Rim Remix" and "IYOGIN" on The Outer Rim album, depicted alongside Travis Touchdown in an astronaut suit. 120 years after their marriage and 76 years after taking a shuttle into outer space, Travis and Sylvia have apparently both achieved immortality. Travis presents Sylvia with a music box found on a crater as a birthday gift, and N.M.H. begins. The song closes with Sylvia naming the miniature band inside the music box "The Outer Rim". In the skit before "IYOGIN", Travis and Sylvia discuss a dream Travis had in his sleep the previous night regarding his time in Tokyo. Sylvia replied that the men in black who closed the record shop were part of the UAA, although this claim makes little sense.

Official profiles

Sylvia Christel
Half Japanese, half Ukrainian.
Born and raised in France.
24 years old.
As an agent of the UAA, she personally handles all preparation work for Travis Touchdown's ranked matches.
(No More Heroes: Trading Card No. 133 profile)
Sylvia Christel
Travis's wife.
A mysterious woman working as an agent for the UAA (United Assassins Association).
Appears in this installment as antagonist Damon's secretary.
(No More Heroes III site profile)


  • Sylvia is named after the Dutch actress and model Sylvia Kristel.



No More Heroes characters
Main Characters Travis Touchdown · Jeane (cat) · Sylvia Christel · Henry Cooldown · Jeane
United Assassins Association Rankings Helter-Skelter · Death Metal · Dr. Peace · Shinobu · Destroyman · Holly Summers · Letz Shake · Harvey Moiseiwitsch Volodarrskii · Speed Buster · Bad Girl · Dark Star · Travis Touchdown's attacker
Civilians Georgy Bishop · Thunder Ryu · Randall Lovikov · Dr. Naomi · Mask de Uh · Manager of Job Center · Manager of K-Entertainment · Diane
Other Talbot · Weller · M. S. · Mrs. Christel · Jeane (child) · Dr. Letz Shake · Master Jacobs · Wolf Vann
No More Heroes 2 characters
Main Characters Travis Touchdown · Jeane (cat) · Sylvia Christel · Henry Cooldown · Shinobu Jacobs · Jasper Batt Jr.
United Assassins Association Rankings Skelter Helter · Nathan Copeland · Charlie MacDonald · Matt Helms · Cloe Walsh · Dr. Letz Shake · Million Gunman · New Destroyman · Ryuji · Margaret Moonlight · Vladimir Takarov · Alice Twilight
Civilians Dr. Naomi · Georgy Bishop · Ryan Yamazaki · Mask de Uh
Other Kimmy Howell · Mimmy · Quintet · Miike · Talbot · Weller
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes characters
Playable Characters Travis Touchdown · Badman · Shinobu Jacobs · Bad Girl
Bosses Electro Triple Star · Mr. Doppelganger · Brian Buster Jr. · Smoking King · Eight Hearts · White Sheepman · Silver Face
Important Characters Dr. Juvenile · John Winter · Klark · Death & Drive · Bugxtra · Bugjirou · Dan Smith · Christopher Mills · Garcia Hotspur · Alfred
Travis Strikes Back Jeane (cat) · Kamui Uehara · Bruno San Marino · Red Ribbon · Tsukiyono Akari · Buzariashvili Bishop · Notsuma · Nigel McAllister · Sundance Shot · Mondo Zappa · Tetsugoro Kusabi · Chillko · Kosuke Kurumizawa · Mokutaro Shiroyabu · Juliet Chesterfield · Damon Riccitiello · Frank · Henry Cooldown · Mr. Blackhole · Mr. Wormhole · DeaDri · Notorious · Jeane Touchdown · Sylvia Christel · Death Metal Jr.
Badman Strikes Back Cole · Mosca · Greco · Bogart
No More Heroes III characters
Main Characters Travis Touchdown · Jeane · Sylvia Christel · Shinobu Jacobs · Bad Girl · Henry Cooldown · Damon Riccitiello
Galactic Superhero Corps Rankings Mr. Blackhole · Gold Joe · Black Night Direction · Vanishing Point · Velvet Chair Girl · Midori Midorikawa · Sniping Lee · Sonic Juice · Paradox Bandit · Jess Baptiste VI
Supporting Characters Notorious · NT Kamui · Kimmy Love · Native Dancer · Destroyman
Other Dr. Juvenile · Dr. Naomi · Badman · Buzariashvili Bishop · Mysterious Man · Mr. Doppelganger · Bugzaburo · Bugjirou · Ryuichi · Talbot · Weller · Deathman · Miike · Jeane Touchdown · Hunter Touchdown · Jess Baptiste V